NALC Stamp Out Hunger
May 10, 2025
The National Association of Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is an annual event that mobilizes communities across the nation to help combat hunger. Every second Saturday in May, letter carriers collect non-perishable food donations left by residents near their mailboxes. These generous contributions go directly to local food banks and pantries, supporting individuals and families struggling with hunger.
Simply leave nonperishable food items by your mailbox, and your letter carrier will pick them up while delivering your mail. It’s that easy!
Summer brings challenges for those facing food insecurity. With school closures and increased childcare needs, the absence of meal programs leaves many families struggling to put food on the table. Your generosity ensures that no one in our community goes hungry during this critical time.
Spread the word, mark your calendars, and let’s hashtag StampOutHunger.
Questions? Contact our
Community Engagement Manager at (757) 644-4432.